Monday, May 18, 2020

2020, pandemic and achievement unlock?

fuh fuh ! ada lagi ke orang layan blog eh? haha. if there's yes, haluu there! im here talking nonsence hhahahah.

where should i start? well, sasha dah 2 tahun, and this year is already 2020! and no kereta terbang? haha! and there's so much going on. like for the first time in Malaysia. there's a pandemic! kalau tak natang pandemic apa pun kita tak tahu kan? but its spreading all over the world. some countries got total lockdown but in malaysia, our goverment doing good! but yeah, school close, company tak boleh beroperasi macam biasa. tak boleh keluar dan masuk negara. social distancing and all. you can google for more :P okay itu intro 2020 lah.

saya pula? saya dah pandai menjahit gais! :') sobs sobs terhare sayeeee. macam achievement unlock gittu. if you followed my post in the past. like i always nagging bout how aku menjahit haruk and nak pandai menjahit. tp alhamdulilllah la, start last year, mula ambil tempah jahit. thanks to my lutfi! dia yang suggest repair balik industrial sewing machine mak dia. sekali dengan mesin jahit tepi industri juga! so like i improve a lot. first, because dah keluar duit untuk repair machine and second, because pakai mesin jahit industri jadi kemas gila gila compared to mesin jahit portable. alhamdulillah 1000 kali hahahahaha

annnnnnnnd, one more! i would like to tell myself in the past and the future that im finally starting to drive! YAYYYY! weee yayyy ! another achievement unlock!! halah yknow the last time aku drive di tengah highway is waktu habis sekolah sebelum masuk poli. lama bukan? aku dah habis degree dah kawin dah beranak dah pun. sedehh! living skills kot? papepun. tahniah tahniah! oh well. so thats all for now. will sambung. xoxo!

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